
Storing your medication

Keep out of the reach of children.
Do not store in the bathroom, near
the kitchen sink, or in other damp
places. Heat or moisture may cause
the medicine to break down.Do not
keep outdated medicine or medicine
no longer needed. Ask your health
care professional how you should
dispose of any medicine you do not
use. Be sure that any discarded
medicine is out of the reach of

What does trileptal look like ?

Oxcarbazepine is available with a
prescription under the brand name
Trileptal. Other brand or generic
formulations may also be available.
Ask your pharmacist any questions
you have about this medication,
especially if it is new to you.

Trileptal 150 mg - pale green-grey oval-shaped tablet
Trileptal 300 mg - yellow oval-shaped tablet
Trileptal 600 mg - light pink oval-shaped tablet
Trileptal Suspension(60 mg/mL)-off-white to slightly brown or red liquid

Other drugs that will affect Trileptal?

Before using Trileptal, tell your doctor
about all other seizure medications you
are taking, including:

carbamazepine (Carbatrol, Tegretol);
phenobarbital (Luminal, Solfoton);
phenytoin (Dilantin); or
valproic acid (Depakene).

Avoid while taking Trileptal?

Avoid becoming overheated or dehydrated
during exercise and in hot weather. Follow
your doctor's instructions about the type
and amount of liquids you should drink. In
some cases, drinking too much liquid can
be as unsafe as not drinking enough.

If I miss a dose ?

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember.
If it is almost time for your next dose, skip
the missed dose and take the medicine at the
next regularly scheduled time. Do not take
extra medicine to make up the missed dose.

May increase seizures

Trileptal can cause side effects that
may impair your thinking or reactions.
Be careful if you drive or do anything
that requires you to be awake and alert.
Avoid drinking alcohol, which can increase
some of the side effects of Trileptal. It
may also increase the risk of seizures.


There are many other medicines that can
interact with Trileptal. Tell your doctor
about all the prescription and over-the-
counter medications you use. This includes
vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and
drugs prescribed by other doctors.

Trileptal info

Do not take Trileptal if you are allergic
to oxcarbazepine or to a similar medicine
called carbamazepine (Carbatrol, Tegretol).
Before taking Trileptal, tell your doctor
if you have liver or kidney disease.


After the seizure

After the seizure subsides, the patient will slowly
come back to consciousness. During this time,
they may be embarrassed and apologetic. Do
what you can to reassure them. Don't volunteer
much reassurance unless they seem to need
that. On the other hand, don't make the mistake of
assuming that the patient who doesn't appear to
need reassurance actually doesn't need reassurance.
Most of them can use at least a little.

While Driving

I had one when I was driving I went through a
aura which can be hard to explain its like seeing
thing's in the past before the seizure happens.
This happen to me that day while in the car which
allowed me to pull over to the side of the road. Then
put the carin park and turn it off and it happen. The
seizure lasted about 25 seconds just a guess sat
there for awhile and continued home.

A Seizure

If you witness someone going through a seizure
don't panic. Help the person by putting them on
there side do not put your finger in there mouth
keep them on there side and watch the breathing.
The person will not respond to you if you try to talk
to them. Theyare not in any pain for me personally
its almost like leaving your body loose total control
of all muscle's . Once the seizure ends seems like nothing
happen having no memory of what just took place not the
same for everyone. Sometimes get a head ache and feel
sleepy after one and will go to bed for couple hours and
get up and be good as new.

Trileptal Generic

Finally got the generic trileptal which is alot
cheaper then the original. Take a 300 mg
pill twice a day. Thought there might be some
change with the new medication been on for a
couple day's and nothing changed. Best about
the Oxcarbazephine is the money will save.


Long-term side effects

Especially those taking higher doses of Trileptal, the level
of sodium (salt) in the blood may become low (a condition
called hyponatremia). Usually this is not serious, but
occasionally it may increase the number of seizures that
you have or cause other problems such as tiredness or dizziness.
Your doctor may want to check the amount of sodium in your
blood to see if this is happening to you, especially if you are
having nausea, a vaguely "unwell" feeling, headache,listlessness,
or confusion.

Day by day

Day by day with trileptal like I did with the depakote.
To watch for the side effects couldn't drive for few month's
had to be careful at work. Say's some of the side effects like
drowsiness and dizziness and some other may happen while
taking the medication.

Generic Trileptal

Then the generic trileptal (oxcarbazepine) came out.
Was so much cheaper than the trileptal. Month supply
is around sixty dollar's. Same medication just generic

Found Trileptal

After being on depakote for a few weeks doctor prescribed
trileptal. What a difference very few side effects with it.
Only thing with the trileptal is the price month supply
was around $ 100.00 and some month's just was hard to
get it and would have to get sample's till had the money.

Other Medication

Depakote, in both delayed-release tablet and
capsule form, is used to treat certain types of
seizures and convulsions. It may be prescribed
alone or with other epilepsy medications. This
was the first medication I was on and had many
side effects with.

What does it look like

Oxcarbazepine is available with a prescription under the brand name Trileptal. Other brand or generic formulations may also be available. Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about this medication, especially if it is new to you.

  • Trileptal 150 mg--almond-shaped, yellow, scored tablets
  • Trileptal 300 mg--almond-shaped, yellow, scored tablets
  • Trileptal 600 mg--almond-shaped, yellow, scored tablets
  • Trileptal Suspension (60 mg/mL)-off-white to slightly brown or red liquid

Some side effects

Oxcarbazepine may cause drowsiness, dizziness,
blurred vision, or poor coordination. Do not drive,
operate dangerous machinery, or perform other
hazardous activities until you know how oxcarbazepine
affects you. If you experience drowsiness, dizziness,
blurred vision, or poor coordination, avoid these

Trileptal (Oxcarbazepine)

Oxcarbazepine is a drug that affects the nerves
and brain. It works by decreasing impulses in
nerves that cause seizures.Oxcarbazepine is used
alone and with other drugs to treat seizures.