
Natrual Diet for Epilepsy

Choose the optimal diet

Some patients can manage their epilepsy very well with medication; however, others may need surgery. Though many treatments are prone to overstate their effectiveness, the natural treatment of epilepsy has been tested and can reduce epilepsy seizures considerably. The ketogenic diet is well known as an effective diet for epilepsy. Ketosis, which can be produced by a diet high in fat and low in carbohydrate and protein, can be useful in reducing seizures. Statistics shows this kind of epilepsy diet is successful in almost one-half of epilepsy cases in children, and is still somewhat effective in another one-third of epilepsy cases. Based on these findings, if you are undergoing epilepsy, and are not taking any traditional treatments, it may be helpful to try the epilepsy diet to alleviate symptoms.

There has been much research done on the effects of the ketogenic diet on epileptic children, and all of it supports the success rate mentioned above. There has not been much similar research done on adults; however, the diet may still work on adults with epilepsy if they are able to comply with the strict dietary guidelines. First, to ensure successful maintenance, fasting under close medical supervision is the first step, and then the whole family needs to be educated about the diet. And with the medication, patients still would do best to observe the epilepsy diet.

Alternative medicine may help

Natural treatment of epilepsy with herbs and other supplements has been tested to work well against seizures. Sho-saiko-to and saiko-keishi-to are two Chinese herbal formulas including helpful anti-epilepsy herbs in various proportions. There are also many other ingredients that are worth taking in order to fight epilepsy, such as arepeony root, pinellia root, cassia bark, ginger root, jujube fruit, Asian ginseng root, Asian scullcap root, and licorice root. They have all been tested in preliminary trials and can be used with ease. But people with epilepsy should consult a practitioner before using any formula. It is important that the practitioner find out as much as possible about your epilepsy. This is because there may be some side effects and allergic reactions. Once that happens, it is important to see your doctor as soon as possible.

Epilepsy is a very individual condition and different people have different experiences. But up to 70% of patients can control seizures with the customized medication. If you cannot completely control the condition even with suitable treatment, ask your doctor for help. Whether alternative medicine or special diet, choose the one that is ideal for you.